The GOP Debate: My Advice

by Rachel from Georgia

I was pleasantly surprised this morning, while listening to Morning in America, to hear several callers say that GOP candidates should not “take the gloves off” and engage in a war of words with Donald Trump at tomorrow’s debate.  I couldn’t agree more!  I understand that the media loves a good fight – it makes for great television and provides amusing sound bytes for future use (or misuse), but the presidential primary is serious business and shouldn’t be reduced to a verbal mud-wrestling match, no matter how entertaining that might be.

Mr. Trump is currently leading in the polls, but should the other candidates fight him to win over that 30%, when the other 70% is up for grabs?  I believe most of us have lofty standards for our party’s nominee, characteristics like dignity, candor and propriety, and we have a field made up of governors, congressmen, mayors, executives to choose from.  Why would we insist that they – put on a clown suit and take on the bull, rather than asking them to remain above the fray and let us judge each on their own merits?

I hope we see a debate that focuses on issues and resolutions, not flame wars; that highlights plans and how they benefit Americans, not personal attacks.  I appreciate the attention Mr. Trump’s candidacy has drawn to the GOP field, but we have so much more to offer than what is being promoted as the face of our party.

No, none of tomorrow night’s debaters have asked me for my opinion (unless I missed a few calls while I was typing this…)  But if they did, I’d tell them that one Donald Trump in the campaign is enough.  He’s the celebrity, the big name, the one attracting all of the spotlight at the moment.  But if we play our cards right, that same spotlight can be used to highlight other candidates who also deserve a serious look before anyone casts their vote.

One thought on “The GOP Debate: My Advice

  1. “If it hadn’t been for Trump, then this would have been just another one of these issues where the insiders in Washington get their way, and there would have been added frustration, more anger, and people I think in greater numbers would have just left the political system and tuned out, not planning on voting, being totally frustrated once again. You add the Iran deal on top of that, it would have just been more frustration and anger aimed at Washington than we’ve seen in a long time. So he’s absolutely right that he single-handedly has given voice to the majority opinion on this issue. And, as such, that’s why he’s the target tonight.” Rush Limbaugh….

    Trump just needs to stay on message.


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