Distractions……And More Distractions

By Petra McCord

Democrats, progressives and their leftist cousins, who for all intents and purposes also encompass the media, are terrified of nothing more than the prospect of Donald Trump winning.  We witnessed their dumbfounded reactions in real time when he surprisingly captured the presidency that fateful day in November of 2016.

What has been and really is driving their nightmares since the election, is the potentiality of Mr. Trump expanding his electorate.  That includes members of the public that did not previously cast their ballot for him, owing to his persona, biting remarks, articulation challenges, or notorious tweets.

It’s the economy, Stupid!

If people begin to experience ever more positive changes in their personal lives, notably concerning their pocketbooks, what truly horrifies our brethren on the left, is the prospect of voters actually giving credit where credit is due.

That brings us to the distractions that have been our daily bread, courtesy of anyone who cannot stomach the President.  Rational opposition regarding policies would be justified and historically typical.  Instead we have been relegated to consuming a steady diet of alternate universe spectacles.

Whether President Trump, in a closed door meeting, allegedly resorted to an expletive with respect to various, struggling nations, is debatable.  However, that’s not the main theme, only a distraction.

Similarly it was amazing to see how not a single one of Donald Trump’s anatomical building blocks remained unturned when the White House physician declared the President in excellent physical and mental health.  Admittedly it was amusing to watch the reporters literally tripping over one another in demonstrating their in-depth knowledge of human physiology. Those pesky Trump family genes!  Again, not the main theme, only a distraction.

You’d think the regularization of the DACA recipients combined with funding for increased border security measures would constitute an acceptable compromise.  Not so!

The Democrats desire to swell their future constituency ranks with people who are in our nation illegally.  Complete amnesty is what they seek!


No matter how emphatically they aim to convince us, it is not the Democrats’ empathy, decency or goodwill that propels their supposed humanitarian desire to naturalize hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of illegals.   If opinion polls showed that recently naturalized, former illegal aliens were to overwhelmingly vote for the GOP, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi would be the first ones to shove the undocumented crowd back across the borders or send them packing on the next international flight.

If the illegals become naturalized, they will overwhelmingly vote for “Open Border” politicians.


Read what the California Attorney General just proclaimed.


Americans are literally ordered to take a back seat to illegal foreigners in their own country!

The Dems, aided by the media, do not want to see the Republican congressional majorities and this President even remotely successful.  It would translate into more GOP votes and possibly a second term for Mr. Trump, putting the kibosh on the Democrats’ specter for a majority, coupled with their desire to indelibly alter the fabric of this nation.

Democrats aspire to finagle a deal beneficial to illegals (Code Word: “Amnesty”), thereby swelling their party’s voter rolls and virtually guaranteeing future Democratic victories, until every state will be “Blue On The Map,” and noted as such with a permanent marker.  Hence these fabulists continue to wallow in daily concoctions of lies, convenient omissions, spurious arguments, and keep haranguing us with their hysterical distractions in order to divert everyone’s attention from the “Real McCoy” they harbor up their sleeves, aka their legislative agenda.

The curious thing happens to be that Donald Trump is not an ideologue.  After all he IS the poster child of “The Art of the Deal.”  He would be more than willing to sit down with the members of opposing camps and hash out workable compromises, ALBEIT not to the detriment of the American people.

Therein lies the real crux of the matter, ladies and gentlemen, and everything else is purely a distraction.



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