Most Notable Performances, Second Republican Debate

By Bill Bennett and Chris Beach

Carly Fiorina: It was clearly Carly’s night. She was confident, poised, and very well prepared. Her impassioned plea about the Planned Parenthood videos garnered perhaps the largest applause of the night. She also subtly and deftly cut down Donald Trump when asked about his comments about her face. We expect she will see the biggest rise out of this debate.

Sen. Marco Rubio: Sen. Rubio’s foreign policy prowess was on full display last night, particularly his rebuttal of Obama’s “pinprick” strategy in Syria and mishandling of Russia’s continued provocations. Once again though, his weak spot appeared to be immigration. If the race turns to national security issues and America’s role in the world, Rubio will be well situated to rise. If it stays on immigration and domestic issues, Rubio may have a tough road to hoe.

Gov. Chris Christie: From the outset of the debate, Gov. Christie attempted to make the conversation about the American people and not himself and his accomplishments as Governor. This is a new and interesting strategy from Christie; whether or not it will work remains to be seen. In his best moments, Christie was tough and unapologetic on national security and had a great response about 9/11. He also took Rand Paul to task on marijuana legalization.

Donald Trump: Trump did not have a good night. While he did have a few memorable lines, most of his usual zingers fell flat. He also ran into the buzz saw that was Carly Fiorina. Trump’s lack of policy depth was on display again, particularly on foreign policy. Ironically, the subject he seemed to know the most about was vaccines. Who knows how his performance will affect him in the polls, but we may start to see a gradual slide in Trump’s numbers.

Gov. Jeb Bush: Jeb improved over his performance in the first debate. He was funnier and livelier, making cracks about his marijuana use and being “Eveready” and high energy. He went after Trump on his casino push in Florida and he received loud applause defending his brother for keeping America safe. It was a good rebound night for Jeb, but he still faces an uphill battle given the anti-governing class mood of the conservative base.

Dr. Ben Carson: Dr. Carson’s rise in the polls is largely attributable to the nearly unanimous admiration for his character and demeanor. But that can only carry him so far. He attempted to bone up on foreign policy but his inexperience still showed, particularly his answer about the war in Afghanistan after 9/11. If Trump begins to fade, Carson will have his moment. Let’s hope he’s ready for it.

2 thoughts on “Most Notable Performances, Second Republican Debate

  1. Hear ye! Hear ye! This is produced reality programming based upon the questions asked. Very few actual policy questions and none requesting how the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution influence a decision. What actually can a President do Constitutionally about Immigration (one citation of 14th Amendments Jurisdiction Clause while omitting fair & equal treatment under the law)? All the candidates recognized the Responsibilities of Zleadership: 1. Vision, Mission, Values. 2. Role Model: walking the talk 3. Belief in We, The People’s, ability to solve problems when rules, regulations and taxes become constraints.

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