A Legacy of “Hope and Change”?

By Jeff Weak at Your Voice Your Ad Did you hear about President Obama’s comments to Congressional Black Caucus Foundation? In his speech he told them to not screw up his legacy. WOW. This is embarrassing. In the remarks made Saturday, September 17th, we have an outgoing President of the United States guilting a constituency … More A Legacy of “Hope and Change”?


By Petra McCord While the GOP primetime presidential debate was under way last night I actually dared to enter the vast realm of online, progressive news websites, perusing the comments of their residential bloggers with regards to the happenings at the North Charleston Coliseum & Performing Arts Center. Just as an aside, the ‘Coliseum’ or … More Reflections

Of Warts and Trains

By Petra McCord I believe I do speak for the majority of informed voters when I state that it appears each one of the current Republican presidential candidates sprouts at least one if not several warts of some sort, whether it be a single, ideological issue, a past supposed unforgivable transgression or present day political … More Of Warts and Trains

Fourth Debate Musings

By Petra What a stirringly informative, substantive and might I state civilized debate the Republican primary candidates and the FOX Business Network bestowed upon us from “Brew City” last night!  After witnessing the professionalism Maria Bartiromo, Neil Cavuto and Gerard Baker displayed and the relevant primarily economic, foreign policy and immigration questions they asked of … More Fourth Debate Musings

Third GOP Debate Review by Bill Bennett and Chris Beach

Last night’s debate revealed two major things: First, the liberal slant of the mainstream media was on full display. Who would have thought that a market-oriented network like CNBC would trot out Democrat talking points and try and derail the candidates with snarky, petulant questions? We suspect CNBC won’t be hosting a Republican debate the … More Third GOP Debate Review by Bill Bennett and Chris Beach

Most Notable Performances, Second Republican Debate

By Bill Bennett and Chris Beach Carly Fiorina: It was clearly Carly’s night. She was confident, poised, and very well prepared. Her impassioned plea about the Planned Parenthood videos garnered perhaps the largest applause of the night. She also subtly and deftly cut down Donald Trump when asked about his comments about her face. We … More Most Notable Performances, Second Republican Debate

The Trumpet is Loud

By Ladisa Onyiliogwu One of my favorite pastimes in high school and college was being a part of the marching band.  I was a majorette and loved wearing my sequined bodice, twirling, marching and performing while the band played.  At the beginning of every half time show, the band would play a popular song by … More The Trumpet is Loud

Reflections on Last Nights Republican Debate

by William J. Bennett & Chris Beach Used with permission. Originally posted in National Review http://www.nationalreview.com/article/422227/debate-republican-primary-presidential-cleveland A few observations on the performances of various candidates in the first Republican-primary presidential debate, last night in Cleveland: Carly Fiorina was the clear winner of the early debate, maybe even the whole night. She was elegant and eloquent, … More Reflections on Last Nights Republican Debate