Your Voice Your Ad’s Reality Concept Changes Political Landscape With Real Voices On Radio

Your Voice Your Ad wants to amplify your message to people just like you, and to politicians and policy makers who need to hear you. When you hear a political ad on the radio, what crosses your mind? Do you just hear the standard talking points from the politician or big voice guy or gal? Maybe you hear someone pretending to be the average everyday person stating the achievements of the politician or the merits of a cause. Or possibly it is the dark scary voice with ominous music playing in a fear or attack ad. Do those ads make your ears perk up? Do ads like that make you want to be active and participate? How about when we are in the thick of the political season and these ads run one after another after another? How effective are they then? Television once ran into this problem and a little dose of reality shook things up. We think reality ads and Your Voice Your Ad can shake things up in the upcoming election season.

Reality TV can be dated back to the 1940’s, but it was in the early 1990’s with shows like The Real World, Survivor and then later Big Brother that brought about the current craze of reality TV. People had become bored or numb to soap opera dramas featuring wealthy dynasties and oil barons. They were put off with sitcoms involving perfect families that did not resemble their family at all. Now, we are not validating the actual reality of reality television, but seeing eight strangers living together, on a island together or getting scared together was a breath of fresh air to many. Seeing actual people relate, watching them react and listening to what real people said allowed us to empathize and want to watch more. Not only did people want to watch more, they wanted to vote people off the island, vote people out of the house and vote people off of the competition. They wanted to participate.

What is missing from political ads is this type of reality. Allowing the people to voice their own ads. Allowing people to voice their ideas, concerns, wants and hopes. Allowing people to speak to other people just like them over the airwaves. Allowing people to speak directly to politicians and policy makers with their ads. If you were to hear someone just like you on the radio, someone who voiced an ad that they themselves wrote, that told you a little bit about themselves and what they would like to see happening in our country. Would your ears perk up then? Could an ad like that push someone a little bit closer to polls or a little bit further to the middle or beyond? We think so, and the feedback we have been getting from both everyday people and party leadership thinks so also. Your Voice Your Ad plays your ads on radio stations across the country.

Reality ads are fresh, honest, passionate and most importantly they are effective. We encourage everyday people to participate in the political process this election season and voice an ad, vote for an ad that you like and encourage its usage in national radio campaigns and let others know that this option is available. We want you to use Your Voice Your Ad to allow your voice to be heard and your voice to be amplified.


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